
Membership of Discovery Lodge of Research is open to all masons for a small fee.


Membership of Discovery Lodge of Research is open to all masons.


Worshipful Master’s Message
It is with pleasure that I occupy the chair this year and I thank the members of The Discovery Lodge of Research for electing me. I also thank those who have agreed to take office and agreed to being appointed to special position peculiar to our lodge.
Unfortunately this year we have been unable to meet in person except for the Installation ceremony but, until such time as we are able to meet at the Sydney Masonic Centre again, we can meet together via the internet. As we are a research lodge and our meetings usually consist of talks and lectures, we are able to fulfil our object of education through papers resulting from the research of members of the lodge as well as invited guest lecturers. Apart from the election and Installation meetings, we have four other meeting scheduled for this year. Depending on when the covid-19 restrictions are over, it is my intention that one of these meeting will be held in a masonic centre in New South Wales away from greater Sydney and another will be a short business meeting followed by a social occasion at which families and interested people will be invited to attend. Not only will this mean that we get to know each other in another setting but we will get to know our each other’s families.
I hope to involve the whole lodge, or at least those who wish to be involved, by having open management meetings. I am also willing to listen to any comments and suggestions members may have. I am looking forward to an enjoyable year and I hope that you are also.

David B. Slater.
WM, The Discovery Lodge of Research, No. 971

Officers for 2019 – 2021
Worshipful Master V W Bro David Slater
Immediate Past Master W Bro Wayne McPhee
Senior Warden W Bro Philip Lye
Junior Warden W Bro Stephen Hodgson
Chaplain R W Bro Samuel Tov-lev
Treasurer V W Bro Neil Morse
Secretary W Bro Ian Shanley
Director of Ceremonies M W Bro Greg Levenston
Senior Deacon W Bro Arnie Getz
Junior Deacon W Bro Justin Patey
Director of Music Bro Ben Pamatmat
Organist R W Bro Geoff Ludowyk
Membership Officer V W Bro Tom Hall
Inner Guard <TBA>
Tyler On rotation at each meeting